Monday, March 30, 2009

You have to start somewhere

So, this is like the bazillionth blog I have participated in. I'm hoping that this one will fare well for me.

So, life at this moment is kind of scripted, or so it feels. DJ is about to go to his hands-on part of his EMT Basic course, which will wrap that up for him. I am really excited for him and more proud than I could ever express.

Micah is already 14 months old and I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday I was screaming at DJ at 2 AM to call the doctor. She is walking and talking. Well, at least she understands what she says. She loves to sing and dance. She loves music. And, that is to be expected.

Motherhood is hard, but it is so rewarding. Every hug, every kiss reminds me that all the pain I went through and all of the sacrifices we have made and willl continue to make are worth it. I hold my heart in my hands when I hold Micah.

Sometimes I don't feel like a good Mommy, but Micah loves me reguardless. I definately want to give her a great childhood, but more importantly, I want to lay a strong foundation upon which she will build herself. I feel the only way to do this is to raise her in Christ.

We are a Christian family, and although we aren't perfect, we do our best. Sometimes we slip and falter, but I can't be ashamed of that in front of Micah. It just re-iterates that we are human. We have to learn from our mistakes and not let them hold us back.

After several years, actually a lifetime, of trying to figure out where I fit in, I have finally settled upon persuing a career as a counselor. My friends already come to me to confide in me and to talk. I'm a great listener. And I try to give balanced and fair advice without deciding something for someone. I am comfortable in my skin while talking to people and I relate to people fairly easy, which makes them feel more comfortable with me, or so I think. People just seem to love to be around me, and I love to help people. I feel that I am well suited for the job.

Anyway, it is getting time for me to feed Micah so she can go take a nap.

So, this is the end...for now.

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